Date Fingers(اصابع التمر)

Dates Fingers Baking in general means almost everything to me. People think I bake because I'm super healthy, I mean yeah I eat healthy and I cook healthy, but who said I don't buy breads, cakes or cookies?... Sometimes I have guests are coming over and I'm not prepared, I take it easy on myself and grab some cookies and cake from the local store, but deep inside I wish I just did some homemade cookies. I know there is a lot of easy-no time recipes to bake . Last minute baking doesn't work with me, if you do you are lucky.. style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6200059843961468" data-ad-slot="9331720763" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> Baking especially making dough-bread helps keep me happy, balanced and grateful. Mixing the right quantities of the right ingredients for the right amount of time at the right temperature and you will end up with something beauti...